Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I went vegan in 2013 for ethical/animal rights and health reasons, primarily. Then I learned about environmental reasons, and those are valid too. I'm happy to know that this site will help parents to raise vegan children. I wish I had been vegan from conception and all throughout my life!...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
About Me :
Went vegan for health, animals, and the environment
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Curious
About Me :
Changing my lifestyle to Whole Foods plant based. Need guidance.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
About Me :
I"m 63 and one of my daughters became vegetarian at age 7 and then transitioned to veganism when she was about 21. Another daughter became vegetarian in 2016, as did I. I fairly quickly transitioned to veganism. My vegetarian daughter lives with me and is slowly transitioning to veganism, but...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
The rejection of veganism entails either absurdity or incoherence.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Since :
About Me :
Vegan for the animals.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
About Me :
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I was raised as a lacto-vegetarian since birth (religious, ahimsa reasons). Being a heavy dairy consumer, I dropped dairy as soon as I watched Cowspiracy and never looked back.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I started realizing where ‘meat’ came from around in my teens. Went vegetarian on new years eve when I was 15 years old. I started learning more in my early twenties and slowly transitioned to vegan by 27 years old. Once giving up dairy I didn’t get upset stomachs. I...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
In 2012 I was involved in volunteer work at animal shelters, which put me in touch with people involved in (Rescue). While online I happened to come across a video of animals being skinned alive for fur. That had a huge impact on me and pushed me to do research...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I went vegetarian in a bet about not eating meat for 2 weeks when I was 19. I researched why people would actually go vegetarian and ran across the term vegan. I had never heard of vegan before in my small town, and didn't even personally know any vegetarians. I...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I was getting shortness of breath, pains in my chest, and just very tired. I went to the doctor and they said there was no evidence of anything wrong with my health. I watched some youtube videos by John Mcdougall. I also found out that I was pregnant, so I...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I get to be the husband to a wonderful vegan wife (@veganjessica) and dad to two amazing vegan kids. I've been vegan since January, 1998. Otherwise, I daydream about rock climbing and running in the woods while putting IP addresses on routers and plugging network cables into things at UNCC.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I went vegan for the animals in 1994. My then partner was eating dairy, but not eggs and I was eating eggs, but not dairy. I suggested we go vegan together. He is still vegan and still my friend. I have a 16yr old boy who has been a life...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
Hello my name is Jeff. I created the VeganLinked YouTube channel and VeganLinked website starting back in 2017. This was after being vegan for some time since 2011. After experiencing so many great results effortlessly I started studying nutrition and realized everyone could do this. And most importantly realizing that...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
Ive Started Vegan a few years back because of having a little health issues and I thought even process vegan food also was good enough but didn't help me at all. But after a year I went fully whole food plant based diet and never felt better. Thanks to my...
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Curious
About Me :
A nurse for 50yrs, I always had a holistic intuition that the body is in control, it wants to do what's best for us! I'm also a Master Herbalist.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I've been vegan since 1991 and my daughter, now 21, has been vegan since birth. We love everything about it!
Vegan Disposition :
About Me :
I went vegan in 2018.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I'm a vegan mom of two amazing, lifelong vegan kids and married to my best friend and awesome vegan, Nathan (@n++). I went vegan in '97 for the animals, after reading Diet For A New America by John Robbins. I had gone vegetarian in early December of '95 and wanted...
Vegan Disposition :
Lifelong Vegan
Vegan Since :
About Me :
born and raised primarily whole food plant based vegan - at 47 feel better and healthier than ever!