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  • Jeff

Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
About Me :
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I've been vegan since 1991 and my daughter, now 21, has been vegan since birth. We love everything about it!
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
The rejection of veganism entails either absurdity or incoherence.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I went vegan in 2013 for ethical/animal rights and health reasons, primarily. Then I learned about environmental reasons, and those are valid too. I'm happy to know that this site will help parents to raise vegan children. I wish I had been vegan from conception and all throughout my life! If you would like to know more about my vegan story, please visit one of my websites at I also created to help others learn about veganism.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I get to be the husband to a wonderful vegan wife (@veganjessica) and dad to two amazing vegan kids. I've been vegan since January, 1998. Otherwise, I daydream about rock climbing and running in the woods while putting IP addresses on routers and plugging network cables into things at UNCC.
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
Ive Started Vegan a few years back because of having a little health issues and I thought even process vegan food also was good enough but didn't help me at all. But after a year I went fully whole food plant based diet and never felt better. Thanks to my wife who always inspire me and I love very much. Now my daughter suddenly become Vegan a few months back and were never thankful enough.
Vegan Disposition :
Lifelong Vegan
Vegan Since :
About Me :
born and raised primarily whole food plant based vegan - at 47 feel better and healthier than ever!
Vegan Disposition :
Vegan Parent
Vegan Since :
About Me :
I'm a vegan mom of two amazing, lifelong vegan kids and married to my best friend and awesome vegan, Nathan (@n++). I went vegan in '97 for the animals, after reading Diet For A New America by John Robbins. I had gone vegetarian in early December of '95 and wanted to be vegan, but needed to learn that I could be healthy and vegan, which I learned from reading DFANA. I am an artist with a BFA in Art and am a former school art teacher-turned-homeschooling mom and I also teach nature-inspired online art classes.