Raising Children Vegan
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Nothing is more important than our children and their future



The Planet
Nothing is more important than our children and their future. Since 2017, through my work with VeganLinked exploring the world of veganism, I have met and interviewed hundreds of long time vegan doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, lifelong and multigenerational vegans. My observations are consistent with the totality of evidence making it clear that appropriately planned vegan diets “are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases”. Yet the overwhelming majority of people are completely unaware of these facts. For this and essentially every other significant reason I have created this website.
RaisingChildrenVegan.com will continue to develop and grow. Now that I have covered all the other type of vegans and built the VeganLinked community up I may shift my focus exclusively on raising children vegan. This website will be the perfect complement to these interviews and a documentary that’s already in the works.
It is of utmost importance that we make this message loud, pervasive, and clear so all parents understand how important this is to consider and ultimately do this. Join to share your experience and perspectives through the forum and blog, to represent, to learn from others, and contribute to making these massive efforts more powerful and inspirational. Together we make a vegan world!