What may vegans need to do different to get pregnant?

Home Forums Prepregnancy What may vegans need to do different to get pregnant?

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        What did or do you have to do different to prepare for your vegan pregnancy? Having interviewed many vegan mothers who have had several vegan babies from conception I don’t expect there to be much said here. If anything it seems like it’s a little too easy to get pregnant. My vegan doctor has 3 vegan’s from conception and an adopted daughter. I was going to do a 2 year follow up interview with Dr Ankita in Texas who was pregnant with her third during our interview. She canceled last minute because she found out she’s pregnant again. A vegan from birth near me had her baby vegan from birth in college a little unexpectedly. Several vegan parents I know in Charlotte each have several children vegan from birth. I interviewed Ashley in Chicago who I will be releasing later this year. She didn’t even know she was pregnant until she was giving birth! In an interview I did with Joi in Florida I will be releasing later this year explores how she was unable to have children before she went vegan. Doctors told her she couldn’t even. She did her own research and learned of the potential going plant based and how this might help. Sure enough it seems it did! Doctors told her it would be risky and her child may have issues, none of which came true. Two more children and twenties later and they’re all doing amazing! It seems the only thing vegans may have to do is try not to get pregnant too frequently. But I’m like, keep them coming, we need all the vegans we can get! The solution to pollution is dilution 🙂

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